Welcome, and thank you for visiting my NEW blog!
The idea of starting a blog has been rolling around in my head for about 2 years now. If I’m being honest, it does feel a little scary, a little nerve-wracking and a lot overwhelming. But, here we are anyway. I’ve asked myself, “What do I have to say that isn’t already out there?” and “What could I teach someone when the internet is already chalk-full of blogs and tutorials?” I don’t yet have the answers to those questions, but if you know me in real life, you know that I do have a lot of opinions. And you know that I love to share them. So, I guess we’ll start there. You can find a couple long lists of my favorite resources in the drop-down menu in the header. I just couldn’t help myself.

“How long have you been sewing?” This is always such a hard question for me. I like simple clean answers and this is not it. I got my first sewing machine when I was in college and tried to remember all I could from my 6th grade Home Ec. class. Whatever I couldn’t remember, I faked it just enough to finish a few projects like curtains and a couple blankets.
When I became pregnant with my oldest child, I decided that I really wanted to pursue sewing as a hobby. I got a better machine, but still stuck to quilting, bibs, and small items with (mostly) straight seams. I had lots of cute quilt shops near me, so I took a couple quilting classes to get started.
After making a quilt for everyone I knew and enough bibs for the first 2 years of my baby’s life, I finally discovered some great sewing blogs online, like V & CO, Pretty Prudent and Craftiness is not Optional. These are where I started to branch out and realized I was getting bored with quilts. One day my husband asked me, “Do you think you could make me a hoodie?” I almost laughed him out of the room. I explained that (I thought) it would require a whole new machine (a serger) and that I didn’t even know the first thing about sewing with knits. Well, guess what I got for my birthday, 3 months later.

It took another 3 months to muster up the nerve to take the machine out of the box, but learning to use my serger was really what started my obsession with sewing apparel. From there, I discovered online fabric shops, pdf pattern designers and their accompanying Facebook groups. I will be forever grateful to the online sewing community for sharing, teaching and guiding fellow sewists.
I now spend every extra minute I can find either engaging with other sewists online, fabric shopping, preparing patterns or stitching at my machine. Literally, All. My. Spare. Time.